My Story


I started my passion for Mountain Bikes like most, building and riding dirt jumps on whatever bike I could get my hands on. From there, the passion was fueled and truly came to a head when I made the move to Southern California from Upstate NY in 2012.

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I started in a bike shop in 2010 in Saratoga, NY. Since college didn’t quite work out for me, a trade was my next best bet; only made sense to work on something that I loved doing. I learned so much from the head mechanic there who really took me under his wing and showed me skills that are engrained into my work flow.

From there, I made the move to Southern California in August of 2012 chasing the dream of working in the bike industry. I landed a Head Mechanic position at a shop in the hills of Los Angeles. Just only a year of living out here and getting myself into the MTB community, I landed a job with Knolly Bikes running US and International Distribution, Warranty and Customer Service. The opportunity to work for such a small company showed me how things really worked and how product came from an idea to the trails. I bounced around some other shops in the Greater LA area helping run service departments and doing loads of work on the side for friends.

That period came to an end unfortunately, but opened another door with Cannondale and their Field Marketing Team, a proper 2 years of travel, bike riding, and events. I learned so much from my team. I lived on the road almost full time and was based out of Utah for a lot of it. I then managed an East Coast Demo Territory on my final year with them.

That brings us to the last 4 years, where I have been with Specialized Bicycles. The folks I work with, the friends that I have made, the athletes I get to work with on a daily basis, the amount of stoke I get to share with consumers and like minded folk has been incredible. My official title with Specialized is Brand Developer. Everything from event support, race mechanic, PR, tech education, you name it, I am getting it done for the Southwest, specifically in Southern California. I can only hope for more strong years.